2. Select File > Open, Locate and Open the appropriate template.
Note: Illustrator Templates will have an .AI extension.
3. Select Window > Show Layers to display your Layer Dialog Box if it's not already visible.
4. Select the very bottom layer called "Design Here!" in your Layer Dialog Box.
5. The "Design Here!" layer is the layer that you want to work with.
6. Turn off the "Keep Locked (Original)" layer and the "Keep Locked (Cover)" layer before printing. To turn off any layer, click on the eye located to the left of that layer.
Illustrator Templates will be in four layers.
1st Layer will be the "Keep Locked (Original)"" layer.
This layer contains an outline of the print areas, and can be used to determine if the final printout will line up correctly.
2nd Layer will be "Keep Locked (Cover)"
This layer will contain information about the template: Template name, paper size, etc...
3rd Layer will be "Mask"
This layer contains a white fill that masks the area that will not be printed. Note: All artwork and text should NOT be above this layer.
4th Layer will be "Design Here!"
This layer will be empty and ready to be designed.
Additional layers can be created, however they need to be under the Mask layer.
Notes on print calibration in Illustrator
When you are ready to print, turn off the "Design Here," the "Cover," and the "Mask" layers, and print just the "Original" layer onto plain paper. Hold this up against your label stock to make sure the printout is aligned correctly. If the printout is not aligned correctly, first unlock ALL the layers, then choose Edit>Select All to select all objects on all layers. Then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge all the objects in the direction you think the printout needs to be adjusted. Repeat the above steps until your test printout matches the label stock exactly. Then you can print onto the label stock, with only the "Mask" and "Design Here" layers visible.
For more specific help with Illustrator functions, please consult your Adobe Illustrator user manual.
Before you pick a template, make sure you know which paper stock you will be printing to! If you have standard US letter size stock (8 1/2 x 11), pick a template from the US list. If you have European/Asian A4 size stock (210mm x 297mm), pick a template from the A4 list. IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG TEMPLATE FOR YOUR STOCK, YOUR PRINTOUT WILL NOT LINE UP CORRECTLY!
Templates for A4 (European/Asian) paper stock
A4AUDj_b Audio J-Cards (back) template
A4AUDj_f Audio J-Cards (front) template
A4AUDlbl Labels for Audio cassette
A4CD2lbl CD labels with 2 CD's per page
A4CDenv Print & File (CD Envelopes)
A4DATj_b J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes (back)
A4DATj_f Face/spine labels and J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes
A4DATlbl Face/spine labels and J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes
A4FLOPPY Labels for 3.5" floppy disc
A4JAZins iomega JAZ(c) inserts
A4JAZlbl Labels for iomega JAZ(c) cartridges
A4JCbook Jewel case front booklet
A4JCtray Jewel case rear tray liner insert
A4MDlbl Labels for MiniDiscs
A4MOj_b J-Cards for Magneto Optical (back)
A4MOj_f J-Cards for Magneto Optical (front)
A4MOlbl Labels for Magneto Optical discs
A4SDinsb SuperDisk(tm) Inserts (back)
A4SDinsf SuperDisk(tm) Inserts (front)
A4SDlbl SuperDisk(tm) labels
A4VCRins Inserts for VCR tape cases
**This template may not work with all styles of VCR tape cases**
A4VCRlbl Labels for VCR Face/Spine
A4ZIPj_b iomega ZIP(c) J-Cards (back)
A4ZIPj_f iomega ZIP(c) J-Cards (front)
A4ZIPlbl Labels for iomega ZIP(c) cartridges
Templates for US size (8 1/2 x 11 inch) paper stock
USAUDj_b Audio J-Cards (back) template
USAUDj_f Audio J-Cards (front) template
USAUDlbl Labels for Audio cassette
USCD2lbl CD labels with 2 CD's per page
USCD3lbl CD labels with 3 CD's per page
USCDenv Print & File (CD Envelopes)
USDATj_b J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes (back)
USDATj_f Face/spine labels and J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes
USDATlbl Face/spine labels and J-Cards for 4mm DAT tapes
USFLOPPY Labels for 3.5" floppy disc
USJAZins iomega JAZ(c) inserts
USJAZlbl Labels for iomega JAZ(c) cartridges
USJCbook Jewel case front booklet
USJCtray Jewel case rear tray liner insert
USMDlbl Labels for MiniDiscs
USMOj_b J-Cards for Magneto Optical (back)
USMOj_f J-Cards for Magneto Optical (front)
USMOlbl Labels for Magneto Optical discs
USSDinsb SuperDisk(tm) Inserts (back)
USSDinsf SuperDisk(tm) Inserts (front)
USSDlbl SuperDisk(tm) labels
USVCRins Inserts for VCR tape cases
**This template may not work with all styles of VCR tape cases**